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Wildlife, Mammals and Montezuma vacation rentals
Howler Monkeys
The sound of the Howlers can been heard miles away. A reaction or feedback we often get from our guests the first morning is: What was this strange sound at night and early morning, it sounded like a huge monster. Yes their voice is absolutely stunning, it sounds like a hurricane or tornado approaching. They almost never touch ground, only if there is no other option. They are family animals and life in groups up to 30-40 members. There are quiet common and easy to spot due to their group size and sound.
The capuchin or white face monkeys are extremely intelligent. Their sound is more like a hight pitch whistle. They look so sweet and mellow, they are group oriented and work together as a team. This makes them extremely effective and this is not always on the good side. They are known to steal food from houses and people sometimes with bites involved. If you see them coming close to you have a stick ready. The chief of the group mostly is the one with the worst scare-face. He is not afraid about people. So look out.
Another often seen animal is the Raccoon. As the white face monkeys they are family oriented animals, but mostly in smaller families from 2-5 animals. They also are really clever and use their hands almost like us. They are mostly night active and also try to get their meal the easy way. They are often seen close to houses where they frequently try to sneak in for food. Also the garbage is not save from them.
With the Coati we have two kinds, The most of them live in families up to 30 members, but some live like loners and are often bigger in size. They are mostly really shy and are afraid of people. Their hearing and smell is really good, only their sight is really poor. So if you stay quiet and don't make noise you could be quiet close to them. For dogs they are quiet dangerous since they use their sharp claws like knifes defending themselfs. If you are walking with your dog make sure he would not run after them!!
Actually wild cats are pretty common in the area, that they are not seen often has his reason. Mountain lions, Jaguars and Ocelots are mostly night active. Because of their great vision and sharp hearing they do have a good advantage over their pray, on day time they are resting.
Some times we hear from neighbors and farmers of the area that a bigger cat was taking down dogs, house cats or even calfs or cows. In my earlier years I heart that farmers have been shooting them for that reason, but nowadays thankfully they do call the park rangers or personal from the government to help to catch and relocate them. Incidents with humans I personally never have seen. I have seen smaller wild cats on the property, but they are extremely shy. Seeing one of them is absolutely great luck!!!
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